HP 90 & HP 140

HP 90 & HP 140

Balmerol HP 90 &140 are superior performance automotive gear oils formulated from high quality basestocks and selective additive system. Balmerol HP 90 &140 oils are formulated for automotive transmissions, axles, final drives; having selective Extreme Pressure (EP) additives which provide protection against wear, scoring and also exhibits excellent oxidation stability, long service life.

Balmerol Superstar meets: API SM & JASO MA 2

Available Size:

500ml 1L 0.35l


Features & Benefits:

  • Very good EP properties, providing enhanced protection of gears and leading to longer component life.
  • Excellent resistance to oxidation, ensuring clean performance during high temperature operation and allowing for higher oil drain intervals.

Applications / Recommendations:

  • Balmerol HP 90 & 140 are recommended for use in hypoid, spiral bevel, or worm gear transmission systems.
  • Suitable for cars, buses, trucks, etc., requiring API GL-4 level performance.
Balmerol HP 90 & 140


Properties HP 90 HP 140
Meets or Exceeds following industry Specification API GL-4 API GL-4
SAE Viscosity Grade 90 140
Viscosity, ASTM D 445, cst @ 100°C 16.5 - 19 26 - 34
Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270 90 90
Pour Point, °C, ASTM D 97 -18 max -9 max
Flash Point, °C, ASTM D 92 190 minimum 190 minimum
Copper Strip Corrosion at 121°C, for 3 hrs max, ASTM D 130 2 max 2 max
Foaming characteristics, quantity of foam after 10 minute settling time, ml max. a) At 24°C: Nil
b) At 93.5°C: Nil
c) At 24°C after testing at 93.5°C: Nil
a) At 24°C: Nil
b) At 93.5°C: Nil
c) At 24°C after testing at 93.5°C: Nil